Food is Our Medicine: Learning Journey


Boozhoo, Wachay, Aniin, Qwe Qwe, Halu, Tansi, Aaniin, She:kon, Way', Weytk, Hello, Tanshai, Kwe, Bonjour*

*We would be happy to share a welcome in other dialects and languages. If you would like to share a welcome, please email

Here’s how the online course works:

  1. Including the Introduction, there are five “seasons” or chapters of the Learning Journey. You must answer the questions in each season’s PDF to complete the course.

  2. To start, read the Protocol for a Respectful Guest below.

  3. Fill in the sign-up form.

  4. We email you the PDFs for the first part of your Learning Journey, for you to complete at your pace. These interactive PDFs have text boxes where you can fill in your answers to questions.

    PLEASE NOTE: You will need to fill in the PDF as you read, save it to your computer, then click on the "submit" button at the end of your PDF.

    Not sure what we mean? Check out the demo video here (1 minute).

  5. After you submit, we will email you the PDF for the next season.

  6. Have a question? Feel free to reach out to Mair at


Protocol for a Respectful Guest

Welcome to Food is Our Medicine. This Learning Journey is shared in the spirit that Indigenous teachings are sacred. It recognizes that for too long in Canada’s colonial history, Indigenous peoples were forbidden to share traditional knowledge with one another. To honour and respect the teachings shared in this course, we request that learners agree to the guidance set out here.

A collaborative team of writers designed this curriculum around a curated collection of pre-existing materials and resources shared by Indigenous leaders and allies from across the country. These resources highlight many Indigenous authors and media-makers. It is important to recognize that the knowledge, stories, and perspectives have been generously shared by each of the respective authors and can be regarded as gifts. As learners, let us practice gratitude for these offerings through humility, curiosity, and respect. 

With learning comes responsibility. By going through this journey, you accept the responsibility to reflect on and put into practice the knowledge and understanding that you are gaining. This can happen in big and small ways: examining your own mindset, building new relationships with community members, finding your place in the work to advance reconciliation in health care, helping to create more inclusive services and workplaces, and decolonizing food in health care.

This journey is designed to be a stepping stone that guides you farther along the path of your own learning and unlearning. You will get back what you put in. The journey is yours to continue beyond the stepping stones we’ve set out.

A note about the form: Please fill in your full organization and full occupation without using the acronym (or add in brackets after). We work in a world of acronyms and would much appreciate to understand where you are from and what you are working towards, so we can share back with our Nourish Indigenous and Allies Advisory about how this course is supporting Indigenous foodways across Turtle Island.

If you agree to this Protocol, please fill out the following form and we’ll email you the PDF to get started.