Meet Annie

Annie Marquez is a Registered Dietician and Manager of Menu Management and Nutritional Information System at the CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’ile-de-Montréal in Quebec. She graduated in 2008 and has worked as a dietician while studying Sustainable Development in Nutrition. Her studies have taught her the importance of making food choices that have less of an impact on the environment and that are good for her health and the health of others. She has been manager for 8 years now and has tried to introduce new products and ways of reducing waste and energy consumption, while maintaining meal quality and client satisfaction.


The Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal seeks to maintain the health and wellbeing of the area’s population. Through its local, regional and superregional mandates, the CIUSSS offers a wide array of health and social services, ensuring these are accessible, efficient and of high quality. Being an integrated university center, it plays an education role, while also contributing to the development and sharing of scientific knowledge. The CCSMTL includes 135 different sites and 29 food services that serve 5.7 million meals every year to more than 4200 users, 12 000 employees and some visitors, on an annual budget of 38 million dollars.



Nourish Vision 

To meet the needs of all clienteles at our CIUSSS (hospital, rehab centre, long-term care facility, youth centre) and reduce food waste, we are developing very detailed guidelines to standardize our menu and meet users’ quality and quantity needs. We are pooling the knowledge of 27 food services to make the meal choices we put on the menu both enjoyable and safe. To help reduce the environmental impact of our services, we are adding a sustainable touch at each step of the project, by changing our habits and educating our clientele.